Sunday Services
10:30am - Sung Eucharist
This is our main service of the week, with the liturgy taken from Common Worship. This service is rich in symbolism with the liturgy, singing, incense and the colours of the vestments worn by the clergy all giving glory to God. The service usually lasts just over an hour. Children are fully incorporated into the service: we include Godly Play into the liturgy and have a constructive playtime for our younger members. Stay for refreshments and a chat afterwards.
5:00pm - Evensong
Using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, this service lasts around 45 minutes. We include hymns and a short sermon.
Weekday Services
10:00am - Morning Prayer
Historically one of the first monastic offices of the day, this service lasts about 20 minutes. It is taken from the Common Worship Daily Office and includes a Psalm and two readings from the Bible. This service is said in the Lady Chapel by the resident clergy and anyone who wishes to take part.
10:30am - Wednesday's - Said Eucharist
This is a short said service of Holy Communion, which takes place in the Lady Chapel using Common Worship liturgy.
3:45pm - Evening Prayer
(2.45pm Winter) This takes place in the Lady Chapel 15 minutes before the close of the day, when the monastic community would have held their service of Vespers. At this service, we gather together the prayers, written and unwritten, of all those who have visited the Abbey that day.