Get Involved
At Wymondham Abbey, volunteering takes on many forms, each vital to the life and vibrancy of our community. Whether you’re greeting visitors with a warm smile as a Welcomer, assisting patrons in our Abbey Shop, serving during our services, helping at events, joining the cleaning team, singing in the choir or making coffee, there’s a place for everyone to contribute. Drop in and ask at the Welcome desk, contact us below or download a form and bring it in.
- Welcomer
- Shop Staff
- Servers
- Events

Get Involved
The Electoral Roll
Being on the Electoral Roll enables you to vote at our Annual Parochial Church Meetings (APCMs) and for us to stay in touch with ideas and news. If you are a regular worshipper and would like to be on it, please download a form below or ask for one at the Welcome desk where you can also hand in your completed application.
Get Involved
Guild of St Benedict
One of our most esteemed groups is the Guild of St Benedict. The Guild plays a pivotal role in preserving the Abbey’s rich history and ensuring its future. All volunteers can join to become part of a legacy that has spanned centuries, working alongside passionate individuals dedicated to the Abbey’s spiritual and community outreach.

Get Involved
Friends of Wymondham Abbey
Registered charity no: 1064418
The Friends is an independent charity founded in 1996 with the aim of maintaining and enhancing the fabric and beauty of the Abbey. The Friends have recently given grants for a new sound system, the installation of new lighting and the refurbishment of the parquet flooring.
To be able to undertake such projects the Friends rely on the generosity of those who value this special building. Please consider joining or donating to the Friends’ funds.
Friends enjoy:
- An on-line biannual newsletter
- Invitations to the Annual lecture, Summer Garden Party and Friends’ excursions
But chiefly the knowledge of contributing to such a worthwhile cause.

Maintaining and preserving Wymondham Abbey
Wymondham Abbey Preservation Trust
The Trust’s role is to ensure that the building continues to serve the people of Wymondham well into the future. The Trust was set up by Deed in 1965. Its aim was to relieve the Parochial Church Council (PCC) of the onerous task of regular fund raising normally required for structural repairs to any historic church
The Trust’s Capital Fund has been built up from generous bequests and donations. Investments are managed on our behalf by professional fund managers.
During the past 50 years or so, the Trust has been able to fund necessary work on the church at a cost of well in excess of £1.1M. Work has included major repairs to the East tower, a new heating system and re-leading of the South Aisle Roof. More recently, the Trust gave a substantial sum as part of a Heritage Lottery Funded development project.
For further details about the Trust, go to You can also find details there on leaving a legacy to help Wymondham Abbey.