Wymondham Choral Society Summer Concert


Following a triumphant return to a packed Wymondham Abbey last summer Wymondham Choral Society will be back at the Abbey on Saturday 13th July. This time they will be performing Haydn’s choral masterpiece The Creation.

The upcoming concert features a work considered by many to be Haydn’s crowning masterpiece. The Creation is based on both the biblical book of Genesis and Milton’s Paradise Lost. With its roof-raising choruses and lyrical melodies this promises to be a spectacular evening with professional soloists and an invited orchestra.

This will be the final concert for the Choral Society conducted by Claire Dixon. Claire has been with the choir for many years, firstly as an accompanist and since 2004 as their Musical Director. The choir has flourished under her leadership and will be very sad to see her go but hopes that she enjoys her well deserved retirement.

Tickets, £15 (under 19s free) are available on the door or online:
